Family histories: 1. last name synonyms, last name pronunciation, last name translation, English dictionary definition of last name. In Middle English both with and without the -n-.The Old English word was mylnweard, literally "mill-keeper" (preserved in surname Millward, which is attested from late 13c. Define last name. In Africa, most surnames are connected to geographic origin, occupation, lineage or personal characteristics.One surname-type unique to the continent is the praise-name, which expresses character traits or other admirable attributes. Prefixes are another method of discovering a … Like a window into their day-to-day life, Miller Ship census records can tell you where and how your ancestors worked, their level of education, veteran status, and more. Miller is an occupational name for a miller, derived from the Old Germanic word “Mulinari”. Miller is a surname of English, Scottish and Irish origins. Full Name Search. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Miller: 967. See also: First names by country of origin. As Group 14's leader, Miller's first and foremost priority was the retrieval of a CSAT seismic weapon of mass destruction that was known only by its codename of "Project Eastwind". The use of a surname was originally adopted in order to distinguish two individuals with the same first name, and, at first, these last names were not passed down to the next generation. The job of a miller was quite important in the Middle Ages and he enjoyed a fair amount of status in his community. For information that i have on any surname please use this site, to find that information. Other slaves, who were of full Negro blood, when baptized were sometimes given surnames. So it is very easy to see how the origin of names could easily become confused, especially when you consider that further variants were added over the decades because of the corruption of the spelling of name. Origin: Miller as a surname, is occupational in origin, referring to "the miller," or more correctly "the milner," a person who grinds corn. This was about 57% of all the recorded Miller's in Canada. Meillear, Gaelic, having large lips; malair, Gaelic, a merchant; maillor, Gaelic, from maille, armor, and fear, a man a man in armor, having a coat of mail, a soldier. Previously, he lectured at Princeton University. If your last name is Miller there is a good chance that you can find your distant ancestors by participating in the Miller DNA Project!. Here you will find the distribution of your surname sorted by countries! Click here to see all variants on a single map. With the world's largest collection of online family history records, Ancestry helps you find the details of your family story. It was not the custom in Jamaica to automatically give the slave the surname of the owner, and … Let's be friends, shall we? Sources and Reference. This is an open forum to discuss the origin, the meaning and the family stories of the surname MILLER. Alinsky (Russian origin), a truly unique surname to find.. 4. Variants in Griffith's. One way to find out the nationality of a last name is to determine in what country the suffix originated. Miller is an occupational name for a miller, derived from the Old Germanic word “Mulinari”. That makes it the 53rd most common surname overall. In 1840 there were 3,256 Miller families living in Pennsylvania. Lieb means “lion” in Yiddish. Nationality: Colombian. Is Miller A Jewish Name? The two seem to be in an open relationship. Using the Daitch-Mokotoff Soundex Code we can obtain some variants of scripture of the same surname. Facts and Stats about the last name Miller SOURCES: U.S. SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION + USER SUBMISSIONS Interesting facts and data about the last name Miller: life expectancy, age, death date, gender, popularity, net worth, location, biography, and more! Explore millions of Records on Ancestry. In 1891 there were 7,260 Miller families living in London. From the name of an estate Agnello (Italian origin) meaning “lamb”. Thus we commonly associate various names with certain ethnicities or their histories. Out of every million people in … This surname is predominantly found in The Americas, where 76 percent of Miller live; 74 percent live in North America and 74 percent live in Anglo-North America. Milton For example, if the first part of your last name is “Mac” or “Mc,” it’s of Gaelic origin. Similar names and nicknames for Miller. Smith, an English family name, is the most common last name in the United States, according to the Census Bureau. The old English word atten (meaning at the) has given us the surname Attenborough. García is the most common surname in Spain (where 3.32% of population is named García) and also the second most common surname in Cuba. He spent five years as the team president of the Portland Trail Blazers in the National Basketball Association (NBA). This means that a surname is a rough clue to a part of someone's ethnicity. Bei Zhengli was an official during Zhuan Xus reign, in charge of agriculture. My name is Mia! On each surname specific "finder" page, you can search a variety of online databases all pre-programmed with your surname. The origin is believed to be the name Menachem, which means ‘comforter’ in Hebrew. Variants include Millar and Milner. There is also important information about the meaning of your last name, its most popular first names and the genealogy of your last name. Schmidt is followed by Meier, which is a variant of the name Schmidt (along with variants such as Schmitt or Schmitz, which are derived from blacksmiths). Names with the suffixes "-brook," "-field," "-ford," "-ham" or "-ton" are English or British surnames. It is derived from: the occupational name for a miller; a derivative of the northern Middle English mille (mill), reinforced by the Old Norse mylnari. Prefixes are another method of discovering a name's origin, as many of them mean "of," "from" or "the." These quiz questions will ask you about your personality, habits, and preferences to determine what your The adoption of hereditary surnames in that area began in the 12th century, and people were often identified by their work. Also remember that a good half of Poland was Prussia and people migrated frequently. Our research results for the name of Miller (Miller name meaning, Origin of Miller, Pronounced etc. ) Joseph Stoll writes: “The German spelling was Müller, and because there were many Millers in Europe, the name was very common, with no common ancestor for many people of this name. Free! Hugo Schneider said it wasn’t a very popular name/profession in England because millers had a reputation for dishonesty there, but it is relatively common in the US because German immigrants generally anglicized the name Müller to Miller—German millers not having the bad reputation of English millers. There are 2,000 census records available for the last name Miller Ship. We suggest starting with your full birth name as recorded on your birth certificate to learn the most about what your name says about you. The meaning points to the descriptive adjective 'the young'. Make quick family history discoveries with Ancestry Hints®. Proud to be one of the few remaining firms offering Housing advice and representation. The origin of the surnames Orchard and Pond are obvious. Famous People named Miller MILLER, ADOLPH WILLIAM, merchant, lecturer, was born Oct. 8, 1841, in Germany. The U.S. Census also lists other common surnames in English like Johnson, Jones, and Miller. Evelyn Miller is a famous author who is admired by Dutch van der Linde. The last name Miller is the 299 th most commonly occurring family name on earth, held by approximately 1 in 4,089 people. And you can see this for yourself! ‘Miller’ is the most popular occupational surname in many Germanic-language countries, but also in Spain and Ukraine (perhaps because the … Moln*r (Hungarian) and Jewish (Hungarian): occupational names from moln*r'miller', a Magyarized form of the Slavic word for a miller, mlinar.Table of contents1. 1. One way to find out the nationality of a last name is to determine in what country the suffix originated. In addition, Miller is the third most common surname among Jews in the United States (after Cohen and Levy), derived from the Yiddish cognate of Mller, which would be Miller (**) or Milner (**). Enter a single name to find the meaning, origin, celebrities, popularity, geographic interest, gender, and more. I'm a little miracle! It comes from the old Saxon word myln, a mill, and is a surname found in the records of every county in England. It was the first time I didn’t have to ask for a revision. Surname Origin: German It could be the Basque word ‘Eder’ meaning ‘handsome’ or ‘beautiful.’ Another origin could be the Hebrew name ‘Eder’ that means ‘the flock.’ 24. What Origin Does The Last Name Miller Come From? The name is of German origins when Miller is an anglicization of Müller (surname). The surnames Wick, Wicke, Wickes, and Wicks all come from the old word wick, which meant a specialized farm. Welcome to Surname Finder, online since 1998, providing easy access to free and commercial resources for 1,731,359 surnames. There are 3 census records available for the last name Ducke Miller. The most Miller families were found in the USA in 1880. A last name may have pointed to where a person was born, lived, worked, or owned land.

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