Biden's job approval ratings trump Trump's — and that's ... While President Biden has taken the spotlight in recent months for his tanking approval rating, there's a top Democrat who . President Biden's job approval . GOP Poll: Joe Biden at 36 Percent Approval Rating - Rifnote Still, Gallup reports, Biden "maintains very high approval among Democrats, and his rating among independents remains higher than his immediate predecessor Trump ever received from that group." Rasmussen Reports rates Biden's popularity the same as Gallup does: 50%.

Biden's approval has fallen to 46%, and his disapproval is at 52%. Rasmussen revealed . Former President Trump has hinted that he will run for the White House again in 2024. The poll found that 70% of Americans say the economy is in bad shape, with Biden's approval rating on the economy down to 39%.

A Rasmussen poll released Wednesday put Biden 10 points up, with 50% support to Trump's 40%, doubling his 5-point lead in a Rasmussen poll in May. Biden's once-steady job-approval ratings are now drifting slowly downward, and his averages are below 50 percent for the first time. Alex Wong/Getty Images. Why the 'stunning' poll being pushed by Republicans isn't ... Poll: Biden approval rating hits new low | National ...

The president's approval rating has dropped by six points since April, and sits at 48 percent in the latest poll. Trafalgar: President Biden's Approval Rating Plummeting at ... Biden's Approval Takes a Hit, Driven by Sagging Hopes ... Biden Approval Index History. October 12, 2021 9:56am. A Quinnipiac poll of registered voters released in November also showed Biden with only a 38 percent approval rating.

Poll: Joe Biden's Approval Rating Is Worse Than Trump's ... Rasmussen poll: Trump beating Biden 51%-41% in 2024 ...

According to the latest Rasmussen Reports survey, 45% of likely voters approve of the job . In its now daily White House Watch, Rasmussen has Trump at 48% and Biden at 47% .

Trafalgar: President Biden's Approval Rating Plummeting at ...

More ominous numbers are the 26% who strongly approve of Biden's performance against 45% who strongly disapprove.

Donald Trump. Biden's approval rating in the MU Law Poll was 49 percent compared to 46 percent disapproval. The poll shows Biden at a lower approval rating than Rasmussen Reports, who released a poll showing 43 percent approving of his job performance. Reader Update: President Biden may be on track for his highest 3-day average daily presidential job approval % of his new presidency. CNN has him breaking even at 50% up or down, according to Real Clear Politics. Trafalgar Group poll Disapprove. Advertisement - story continues below. That's a deficit of 19. Trending: Trump tops Biden, 48% to 47%, with 52% approval ...
The poll comes in the final days of the 2020 campaign. Only 4.6 percent of respondents had no opinion of Biden. In a separate tracking survey, Rasmussen's approval rating for Biden was way underwater, with just 44% approving of his job as president and 55% disapproving. Doom: Biden's job approval among independents slides to 28 ... Biden's Approval Numbers Continue to Plummet · The Floridian . Poll: Biden's Approval Rating Drops to Lowest Level Yet ... In the midst of several crises, Biden has seen numbers that do not reflect the unified rhetoric in his inauguration speech.

Regrets: Trump would beat Biden today, more women and ... is a new Harvard-Harris survey giving Donald Trump a 48% favourability rating to Biden's 46% .
His trend line in the Rasmussen tracking history has never shown him to be as popular as his former boss, Barack Obama. Approve. Biden's Approval at 62% - Political Wire

Biden's Approval Ratings Tank In His Home State Of Delaware 36%.

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