On to bigger ideas. For details, join our mailing list, call UConn Stamford's Office of Admissions at 203.251.8541, or email beahuskystamford@uconn.edu. All students will apply through both the Common Application and SlideRoom. Mail any non-UConn transcripts to: Neag School of Education. Phone: +1 (860) 486 3137 Fax: +1 (860) 486 1476 Email: beahusky@uconn.edu 2131 Hillside Road, Unit 3088 Storrs, Connecticut 06269-3088. UConn School of Law, in partnership with the School of Business, offers a certificate in Corporate and Regulatory Compliance for professionals interested in careers in compliance, ethics, internal monitoring, regulatory affairs and related areas. Admissions The School of Medicine faculty believes that a broad liberal arts education provides the best background for those entering the medical profession. You will receive one decision letter from the University of Connecticut Undergraduate Admissions Office by March 1 st. 2131 Hillside Road, Unit 3088. Admission to the School of Fine Arts as a BFA Studio Art, BA Art or BA Art History applicant is a two-part process.

With an acceptance rate of 54%, UConn (Storrs campus) is considered a competitive university.
To see if you qualify for the Veteran's Waivers and/or benefits, please contact UConn Veterans Affairs and Military Programs at (860) 486-2442. 249 Glenbrook Road, Unit 3064-C. Storrs, CT 06269-3064.

Office of Undergraduate Admissions Division of Enrollment Planning & Management 2131 Hillside Road, Unit 3088 Storrs, Connecticut 06269-3088 Maps & Directions. In addition to the required courses in the physical and biological sciences, applicants should include courses in the undergraduate curriculum encompassing mathematics, foreign languages . But it's more than that. Candidates for admission receive a full review and are selected on a competitive basis. She received her undergraduate degree in psychology from UConn and her JD from UConn Law.After graduation from law school, Karen was a civil rights litigator whose practice focused primarily on employment discrimination, police brutality and housing discrimination. Apply for Admission. COVID-19 Admissions Updates COVID-19 Admissions Updates Latest Update The University of Connecticut is not one-size-fits-all. Follow us on facebook Follow us on instagram Follow us on youtube Follow us on twitter GRADUATE ADMISSIONS. Phone: +1 (860) 486 3137 Fax: +1 (860) 486 1476 Email: beahusky@uconn.edu For details, join our mailing list, call UConn Avery Point's Office of Admissions at 860.405.9026, or email beahuskyaverypoint@uconn.edu. At the UConn School of Law, a 5:1 student-faculty ratio and small classes foster i . Ext., Unit 1152 Storrs, CT 06269-1152. February 15: FAFSA On-time Deadline. Admissions. A non-refundable $500 Deposit will be required upon acceptance of admission. To request more information about the admissions process or MPH program requirements contact: Danica Brown UConn Health 263 Farmington Avenue, MC 6325 Info for Graduate Students. Associate Dean for Medical Student Affairs Phone: 860-679-4713 Fax: 860-679-6763 Email: admissions@uchc.edu Thomas Regan, M.D. Learn more about our admission requirements and review cost and financial aid at Conn. Find answers to some frequently asked questions. Phone: +1 (860) 486 3137 Fax: +1 (860) 486 1476 Email: beahusky@uconn.edu. Undergraduate Application Process: Step 1: Submission of University application through the common application or coalition application for UConn. E-mail: beahusky@uconn.edu. Financial Assistance. Assistant Dean of Admissions and Student Affairs For details, join our mailing list, call UConn Avery Point's Office of Admissions at 860.405.9026, or email beahuskyaverypoint@uconn.edu. Applications completed after January 15 th will receive notification after March 1 st on a rolling basis. February 15: FAFSA On-time Deadline. A top-ranked research institution, campuses across Connecticut built to inspire, the global community that is UConn Nation. Waterbury. Expect to try new things and find your passion. We're fierce. Admissions Information. Our graduate school is committed to creating a supportive network where students can pursue independent research and meet their educational goals. Storrs, CT 06269-3088. Phone: +1 (860) 486 3137 Fax: +1 (860) 486 1476 Email: beahusky@uconn.edu Plan ahead for your for visit by reading our Campus Visitor Campus Guidelines. All admission data assume successful completion of the spring 2018 semester. Phone +1 (860) 486 3137 Fax +1 (860) 486 1476 Email beahusky@uconn.edu


Here, you'll find an outstanding learning environment in our small class sizes and an . The Common Application can be accessed through the University of Connecticut undergraduate Admissions Office. Services provided by the Office of the Registrar include course record management, classroom assignment, final exam scheduling . Storrs, CT 06269-3088. Contact Information. Step 1: Submission of University application. October 1: Spring First-Year Student and Transfer Application Deadline. University of Connecticut Office of Undergraduate Admissions. If you're entering UConn as a freshman, you may be admitted directly as an Allied Health Sciences major if you meet UConn's admission requirements and are accepted through the University admissions process.. How it works: You'll be assigned an academic advisor within the Department and will work with your advisor to plan your course schedule. University of Connecticut The Graduate School 438 Whitney Road Ext. GRADUATE ADMISSIONS. Transfer students also need to send a duplicate copy of transcripts to the Transfer Admissions Office at: University Transfer Admissions Office. If you would like to apply to the UConn School of Dentistry, UConn School of Law, or UConn School of Medicine , please visit their websites, review their application requirements, and apply using their separate applications. Contact Mr. Charles Rowland UConn Health Bursar's Office AG050 Phone: 860-679-1632 Fax: 860-679-1637 Email: chrowland@uchc.edu Information for All Enrolled Graduate, Medical, and Dental Students The UConn Health Bursar's Office on the Farmington campus manages the cashiering, collectio . Dr. Andrew Agwunobi oversees a Uni . Admissions Admissions Welcome to the University of Connecticut. UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS. Transfer students also need to send a duplicate copy of transcripts to the Transfer Admissions Office at: University Transfer Admissions Office. 249 Glenbrook Road, Unit 3064-C. Storrs, CT 06269-3064. Office of Undergraduate Admissions. How to reach your Advising team: Visit us during drop-in advising hours Email us at undergrad.business@uconn.edu Email your advisor directly Call our office at (860) 486-2315 to speak with someone or to leave a voicemail As an arm of the School of Business Dean's office, our mission is to foster . Expect to work hard and achieve your goals, to discover who you are, and to build networks that advance your personal growth. The decision to earn a degree is a defining moment in life. Failure to complete residency information on your application for admission will result in a non-resident (out-of-state tuition rate) classification. Our goal is to make a UConn education affordable to each student selected for admission. Welcome to WCSU! U-1152 Storrs, CT 06269-1152 International applicants, or applicants who have international transcripts, and who only have one set of original transcripts or degree, may use our international transcript cover sheet to send their original, official documents. Western offers an array of programs that empower your future and lead to success. By accepting a merit scholarship award, the recipient agrees to the terms and conditions set by the University. Either can be obtained from the University of Connecticut Undergraduate Admissions Office. Admissions Rate: 48.8%. University of Connecticut The Graduate School 438 Whitney Road Ext. And watch videos from the 2020 All-College Symposium, at which seniors showcased the work they've done over their four years at Conn. The registrar's office compiles statistics relating to student demographics, course enrollment, class profiles and Connecticut Bar Exam passage rates. More than 60 percent of UConn undergraduate students receive gift aid in the form of grants and scholarships. The Office of Graduate Admissions uses the information provided by the Connecticut General Statutes to determine an applicant's residency classification. Expect to find your place at Southern. 67%. Any questions about transcripts or the online application can be emailed to: gradadmissions@uconn.edu. And watch videos from the 2020 All-College Symposium, at which seniors showcased the work they've done over their four years at Conn. We're tenacious. For details and to register please see: https://ecemath12202021.eventbrite.com Application Filing Dates (including international) December 1: Priority Freshman Application Deadline for Merit Scholarship Consideration. Please contact the respective Admissions office if you have questions about their procedures. Zoom.

Similarly, if a student completes a UConn graduate program (certificate, master's, or doctorate) and is applying for admission in the semester that immediately follows, the application fee will be waived automatically when an application is submitted and finalized. Search this Site Search in https://dentalmedicine.uconn.edu/> Search. The state's flagship institution of higher education, the University of Connecticut is governed by a board of trustees who are among the premier entrepreneurs, strategists, and educators in their fields. Big School Reputation, Small School FeelExperience the best public law school in the Northeast, where the broad opportunities and flexibility of a large law school merge with the warmth and support of a small one. 263 Farmington Avenue Farmington, CT 06030. Financial Assistance. Today, the campus is located in a leading-edge facility in the heart of Waterbury's revitalized downtown. Transcript Fees and Delivery Options Electronic PDF. Scholarship awarding is subject to change.

Apply to UConn Step 2: Please see below for additional mat .

What we start has the power to go on and on and on. According to the UConn admissions website, highest consideration is placed on an applicant's high school records, class rank (if available), GPA . On Monday, December 20th, UConn Early College Experience and the UConn Math Department invite all certified UConn ECE Math Instructors to participate in the annual professional development workshop. Search this Site Search in https://dentalmedicine.uconn.edu/> Search.
On . For questions about UConn English graduate admissions, email gradenglish@uconn.edu. You will receive one decision letter from the University of Connecticut Undergraduate Admissions Office by March 1 st. For every 100 applicants, 49 are admitted. Office of Undergraduate Admissions Division of Enrollment Planning & Management 2131 Hillside Road, Unit 3088 Storrs, Connecticut 06269-3088 Maps & Directions. Applications completed after January 15 th will receive notification after March 1 st on a rolling basis. 47%. How to reach your Advising team: Visit us during drop-in advising hours Email us at undergrad.business@uconn.edu Email your advisor directly Call our office at (860) 486-2315 to speak with someone or to leave a voicemail As an arm of the School of Business Dean's office, our mission is to foster . UConn provides a rich environment for graduate study, whether you are pursuing a doctoral or master's degree, or are interested in a certificate program. The . Phone: +1 (860) 486 3137 Fax: +1 (860) 486 1476 Email: beahusky@uconn.edu Incoming freshmen are automatically considered for most . Office of Undergraduate Admissions Division of Enrollment Planning & Management 2131 Hillside Road, Unit 3088 Storrs, Connecticut 06269-3088 Maps & Directions. The acceptance rate at UConn is 48.8%. Nominations will be made by the Guidance Counselor's Office at each Connecticut high school. However, if there is a break in enrollment, the application fee will be required. Graduate Admissions Office 438 Whitney Rd. To be eligible for nomination, the student must be a Connecticut resident graduating from a Connecticut high school. Phone +1 (860) 486 3137 Fax +1 (860) 486 1476 Email beahusky@uconn.edu Fax: (860) 486-1476. Matriculated students are eligible for financial assistance through UConn's Office of Student Financial Aid Services. October 1: Spring First-Year Student and Transfer Application Deadline. *Applicants who are new transfers to UConn are not reflected in this data. If you have questions concerning the application process or need more information about the UConn School of Business Executive MBA program, please contact the main office at 860-728-2400 or via e-mail: emba@business.uconn.edu Our Office of Student Financial Aid Services is your one-stop source for information on scholarships, grants, loans, need-based financial aid, veteran's benefits . At Western, we know that and honor your commitment to the choice you'll be making. Stamford. Storrs. UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS. Matriculated students are eligible for financial assistance through UConn's Office of Student Financial Aid Services. Sel . Section 2: UConn's Scholarship Policies and Conditions. Programs and Admissions .

; After you're admitted, you can remain in AHS under .

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